Subtitled Foreign Language Film.
The award-winning Japanese anime set in Hiroshima during World War II.
The award-winning story follows a young girl named Suzu Urano, who in 1944 moves to the small town of Kure in Hiroshima where she marries Shusaku Huji - a young clerk who works at the local naval base. Living with his family, Suzu becomes essential to the running of the household and creatively prepares meals during the tough wartime conditions while also carrying out daily housework.
In 1945, intense bombings by the US military finally reach Kure with devastating effect to the townsfolk and their way of life. Suzu’s life is changed irrevocably, but through perseverance and courage, she manages to continue to live life to the fullest.
This beautiful yet tragic tale shows that even in the face of adversity and loss, people can come together and rebuild their lives. In This Corner Of The World is the latest offering from Screen Anime - a selection of the best and brightest Japanese animated releases on UK screens.
DIRECTOR: Sunao Katabuchi
CAST: Non, Megumi Han
RUN TIME: 130 mins
LANGUAGE: Japanese, with English subtitles
Tickets: £10
Concessions: £8.50
A £1.50 ticket levy is included in all stated ticket prices.
Thu 30 Jan
Fri 31 Jan, Mon 3 - Tue 4 Feb
Mon 10 - Tue 11 Feb