Sir Steve McQueen’s “Blitz” follows the epic journey of George (Elliott Heffernan), a 9-year-old boy in World War II London whose mother Rita (Saoirse Ronan) sends him to safety in the English countryside. George, defiant and determined to return home to his mom and his grandfather Gerald (Paul Weller) in East London, embarks on an adventure, only to find himself in immense peril, while a distraught Rita searches for her missing son.
Directed by: Steve McQueen (12 Years a Slave, Shame)
Starring: Saoirse Ronan, Elliott Heffernan, Paul Weller, Harris Dickinson
Running time: 2hrs
Please note: The screening on 31st January at 2:30pm is captioned.
Please note: Audio description will be available for all scrennings, please contact the Box Office on 01935 422884 to book your headset.
A £1.50 ticket levy is included in all stated ticket prices.
All bookings are subject to a £2 transaction fee.
Mon 27 - Tue 28 Jan
Thu 30 Jan
Mon 10 - Tue 11 Feb