Set in the influential New York City music scene of the early 1960s, "A Complete Unknown" follows 19-year-old Minnesota musician Bob Dylan's meteoric rise as a folk singer to concert halls and the top of the charts as his songs and his mystique become a worldwide sensation, that culminates in his groundbreaking electric rock-and-roll performance at the Newport Folk Festival in 1965.
Directed by: James Mangold
Starring: Timothée Chalamet, Edward Norton, Elle Fanning
Running Time: 2hrs 21mins
Please note: The screening on 25 February at 2:30pm will be captioned.
Please note: Audio description is available for all perfromances, please contact the Box Office on 01935 422884 to book your headset.
A £1.50 ticket levy is included in all stated ticket prices.
All bookings are subject to a £2 transaction fee.
Mon 27 - Tue 28 Jan
Thu 30 Jan
Fri 31 Jan, Mon 3 - Tue 4 Feb